1st PHASE: brushing
The first step concerns the beard’s preparation which, in order to benefit from the following treatment, must be carefully brushed to remove any knots or impurities.
2nd PHASE: cleanse
Using a shaving brush, apply Gentlemen’s Barber Club SHAMPOO to wet or dry beard hair. The foaming effect will be reduced, if applied to a dry beard. Massage delicately. Rinse.
3rd PHASE: untangle and soften
To soften and untangle beard hair, and in order to simplify the steps to follow, apply Gentlemen’s Barber Club BALM to damp beard hair using a shaving brush. If necessary, during application trim the beard’s contours with scissors. Proceed with or without rinsing as preferred, apply a hot or cold towel (cold to tone skin
when the weather is warmer) to remove any eventual traces of the product.
4th PHASE: hot towel
The heat of the hot towel warms, cleanses and dilates the skin’s pores facilitating the next phase of the barber
ritual. To make the hot towel application even more pleasurable, apply a few drops of beard TONIC to the hot towel. Thanks to its fine essential oils, it gives a pleasant and relaxing sense of wellbeing.
5th PHASE: trimming and shaping
Apply Gentlemen’s Barber Club SHAVING CREAM to the targeted areas. What makes this cream different is, that by not producing foam, it allows for trimming and shaping to be done with extreme precision even in the smallest and most detailed areas of the beard, without making errors. The absence of foam also prevents the beard and skin from drying. Rinse or, if preferred, apply a hot or cold towel (cold to tone skin when the weather is warmer) to remove any eventual traces of the product.
6th PHASE: soothe and hydrate
Apply Gentlemen’s Barber Club TONIC to the whole length of the beard hair. Made of only essential oils, it hydrates and soothes skin and relieves itchiness.
1st PHASE: Hot towel and hot tonic
To dilate pores, soften beard hair and make shaving more pleasurable, our ritual suggests heating the beard tonic and applying it to the skin and beard. To do so, we suggest the use of an essential oil warmer (candle oil diffuser) able to bring the tonic to the correct temperature. Apply tonic using the 3ME foundation brush. Delicately massage into the area to be shaved. Apply hot towel and let stand for a few minutes. The hot towel, along with the tonic, cleans skin, removing acidic waste and preventing infections and redness in the shaving phase.
2nd PHASE: shaving
Apply Gentlemen’s Barber Club SHAVING CREAM over the entire area to be shaved and proceed with shaving.
3rd PHASE: cold towel
To close pores, remove dead skin cells and refresh skin, proceed with cold towel application.
4th PHASE: soothe and hydrate
To soothe and hydrate skin after shaving, proceed by applying Gentlemen’s Barber Club AFTER SHAVE
CREAM which hydrates, nourishes and gives the skin a pleasurable soothed feeling. We suggest using Gentlemen’s Barber Club TONIC regularly on days between shaving to keep your face and beard soft and hydrated.